The variety of research topics addressed during my doctoral formation gives me a broad and multidimensional vision about plant sciences. Broadly, my current research is mainly focused on plant ecology and conservation. My ultimate goal is to improve our understanding of the effects of global change on plants, in order to preserve them.
Specifically, I am interested in:
Specifically, I am interested in:
Temporal changes
One of my main topics is about how vegetation changes over time. Using different scales, I have studied the effects of global change on plants populations (Bou et al., 2015a), communities (Bou & Vilar, 2018; Bou & Vilar, 2019) and vegetation (Bou et al., 2015b; Bou et al., 2020a) over last decades. This research is crucial because only by understanding how plants have responded to land use change and climate change, we will be able to predict their future trajectories in future scenarions
My PhD was focused on this topic, the effects that land use changes and climate change are having on plant community dynamics in mountainous regions. As my study case, I used the sessile oak forest on the Iberian Peninsula and the microrefugia that this forest has in this southern location.
My PhD was focused on this topic, the effects that land use changes and climate change are having on plant community dynamics in mountainous regions. As my study case, I used the sessile oak forest on the Iberian Peninsula and the microrefugia that this forest has in this southern location.
Preserve plant biodiversity is my ultimate goal, in order to do that I have worked in multiple and different aspects of their conservation. I have analysed the conservation status of vegetation to prioritize resources on actions and protections. In other studies I have covered all the scope of the environmental restoration, from the planification (Bou et al., 2020b) to the evaluation (Bou et al., 2018). Moreover, I have worked with invasive species (Bou & Font, 2016; Bou et al., 2019), endemic species (Bou & Bou i Tomàs, 2018), and with vegetation cartographies (Bou et al., 2016; Bou et al., 2017).